Thursday, August 13, 2009



We arrived in Paris yesterday and we have a lot to tell you. Also, we haven't been able to write anything because we haven't found an Internet cafe until now.

Lauren figured out everyone was hearing about our trip from my point of view so from now on we are going to type this blog as a duo. I have a feeling I am not going to be able to touch up some of the stories I previously have. Lauren will be in pink.

I guess we should start with our last day in London. On our way to the Tate Modern Museum, we saw our first British mullet. It looked very similar, maybe a tid bit more sophisticated... Anyway, as the title suggests, it was full of modern art. There were a few pieces that we enjoyed, but overall I think we could have passed on the visit. I know Lauren was especially not a fan. Yeah, modern art isn't my favorite. This museum was a collection of items that might have been found in my nightmares. There were strange videos of people posing with balloons... Let's put it this way, there were a lot of signs saying, "Warning: Some items in this exhibit contain explicit material". Yes, I think we all learned to heed the warnings that day.

Then we went to the London Eye. This is one thing Lauren wanted to do more than any other. I am not a fan of its height, and its much taller than it looks, but I was in an extra courageous mood that day and decided to take her up to the top. He did happen to ask many times, "Maybe we should do this tomorrow. It's a little windy today". Unfortunately, there was absolutely no wind, none. But like I said, it doesn't bother me. We waited through a long line and finally got on. There were about 20 people per 'bubble' and it takes about thirty minutes to fully complete the rotation. By about the 10th minute, I was feeling generous and decided to sit down in the seats and let everyone else walk around the edges and enjoy the view. I wanted to save the best view for the kids, after all. Wow, wasn't that wonderful of Harrison everyone? He spent most of the rotation staring at other people's backs while I was up wandering around. Occasionally he would ask me if we were almost done. Excuse me, while I was technically in a seated position for most of the trip, I did stand up enough to get a few good pictures and see the view. We have proof of that in the photos. On a side note, at this point we have approximately 834 pictures taken. So like I said, we have plenty of pictures but no way of sharing them until we get back. Anyway, the London Eye was cool, we could see the whole city, and I earned brownie points.

When we finished the flight, yes they called them flights, we went to eat dinner and then went to see Les Miserables. No camera's were allowed so we don't have pictures, but the show was fantastic. The stage rotated during the play so it was fun to see. It was pretty amazing. I had read the book a long time ago, and it is a beautiful story. The music was wonderful.

The next morning we had to wake up and board the train to Paris. Our day started off by me waking up early and looking at our tickets. Luckily, I noticed that we actually had to leave an hour and a half before we thought we did. So we rushed out of the hostel and made our train. Also, we aren't even sure if the Chunnel exists. We would go through tunnels with extremely high pressure (our ears would hurt) and then we would pop out and see land. Excuse me, my ears felt like they were going to explode. Then, all of a sudden, we were in Paris. I don't know what happened. I don't know which tunnel was the Chunnel. It was quite mind boggling.

So that catches you up to Paris. We have a LOT more to say about Paris tomorrow and hopefully we will be all caught up then.

Lauren & Harrison

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