Thursday, August 6, 2009

Last Day in Dublin


We had a great last day in Dublin and made it safely to London today. Dublin is a really unique city. The place we stayed have the old cobble stone roads that were wide enough to fit one car (maybe). It was run-down, but in an artsy/character building way. The people there were nice, for the most part.

The beginning of yesterday consisted of us visiting as many sites as we could before the Guinness tour. Establishments visited: St. Patricks Cathedral, Kilmann's Gaol, the Dublin Zoo, the Dublin Castle, the Dublin version of the "White House", and several Cathedrals.

I believe our favorite part of the trip was the Guinness tour. We learned all about how the make Guinness and the history behind the name. The tour is neat because it is in a building designed in the shape of a beer glass. So when we were taking the tour, we were walking around the "glass" from the bottom up, and then at the top their was a gravity bar where we were given a complementary glass of Guinness. The gravity bar had a 360 degree view of Dublin. It was quite special.

In order to get the full experience before we left, we visited one of the more famous Irish pub's, The Temple Bar. It was quite the scene, but very interesting. We were also lucky enough to get a seat and listen to their live music.

Our experience in Dublin was definitely positive. We feel we took in the culture and got to see everything we wanted.

That was yesterday, today was a little bit more hectic. We began the day by packing and trying the get to the airport. Luckily, we were able to run down a bus that took us to the airport. I can't say that was the quickest way, but it was definitely the cheapest. Our flight was smooth until the end, when the pilot slightly overran the first part of the runway and had to slam on the breaks. Next, we got off the plane and got something to eat. The last hostel's idea of a continental breakfast is one slice of bread with jam. Needless to say were were starving. After lunch at the airport we jumped on the Tube and jetted into the city. We only had to walk a couple of blocks to our hostel from the Tube station. Now you're all up to date! We just checked in, got settled and found an internet cafe. I think we are going to spend the rest of the day planning our visit in London. Should be fun!

Mental notes:
Gloucester is actually pronounced "Gloushter"
Forty is pronounced "tworty"
English is not actually one language, there appears to be several dialects that are not easily translated.
Don't practice the accent of a country when you are in the country.
Don't stand too close to the Tube or they yell at the top of their lungs at you, through a speakerphone.

Lauren & Harrison

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