Saturday, August 8, 2009

Don't Get in Such a Tiffy!

Today we mastered the Tube. I would safely say I am an expert navigator, like the great Ferdinand Magellan. We were able to make it to the West End today and see the London Bridge, London Tower, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Tower Bridge. All were spectacular and we have plenty of pictures to show you. Not much else to say because I am really hungry and my feet hurt. Oh, and we saw the Queen's jewels and stuff.

Now Lauren wants to say a few words...

Hi everyone! Harrison has done plenty of making fun of my accents on this blog. However, he isn't much better at it himself. The switch from Irish to British really threw him off. Now he has been so confused he is talking in pure Scottish. And his "version" of British is just to throw the word "jolly" and "tiffy" into a sentence.

L: Where is the nearest Central station tube stop? We want eastbound right?
H: Don't get your jollies in a tiffy! It's right around the corner.

L: What should we do tonight?
H: I don't know but we should have a jolly good time

I just thought I would set the record straight on that :) I hope everyone is well. We miss you all! Back to Harrison-->

Thanks for sharing that with us Lauren....

Anyway, we are going to get something to eat and possibly have a throw.


Lauren & Harrison

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